Hoe laat kunnen we in- en uitchecken?
Check In vanaf 14u30. Check Out is om 11u00
Is de prijs per kamer of per persoon?
Alle prijzen zijn per kamer.
Is het ontbijt inbegrepen in de kamerprijs en welke soort ontbijt biedt u aan?
Het ontbijt is niet inbegrepen in de kamerprijs. Voor de prijs van 20 Euro/per persoon per dag, kunt u aan uw reservering een uitgebreid ontbijt toevoegen, geserveerd à la carte, dat wij exclusief serveren in onze ontbijtzaal, in onze Orangerie of op het panoramische terras met uitzicht over de hele kustlijn. Als u liever op de kamer ontbijt, kunt u een continentaal ontbijt (12,00 Euro per persoon per dag) of een ontbijt met vers fruit en ontbijtgranen (12,00 Euro per persoon per dag) aan uw reservering toevoegen.
Kunnen we de rekening reeds bij aankomst betalen?
Welke talen worden aan de receptie gesproken?
Engels, Italiaans, Duits, Frans en Spaans.
Hoeveel verdiepingen zijn er in het gebouw en is er een lift aanwezig?
Er zijn 3 verdiepingen plus een “Rooftop Lounge & Terrace” op de vierde verdieping, alle met een lift verbonden.
Vroege aankomst en late vertrek?
Als u vroeg op de dag verwacht aan te komen en onmiddellijk toegang tot uw kamer wenst, raden wij u aan de kamer van de vorige nacht te reserveren om uw onmiddellijke toegang te garanderen.
Voor een laat vertrek kunt u een extra nacht reserveren, zodat u tot uw vertrek van uw kamer kunt genieten.
In beide gevallen kunt u ook onze budget „Day Room“ reserveren. Als u niet reserveert, zullen wij met plezier uw bagage opslaan en kunt u gebruik maken van de beschikbare faciliteiten om u te verfrissen.
Zijn er bijzondere private, romantische kamers?
Ja, de “top floor junior suites”, de Superior kamers met zeezicht, de afgezonderde “Garden Villa Suite” en onze spatieus tweepersoonskamer met Atriumzicht tuinzijde.
Hebben sommige kamers terras of tuintje?
Ja, sommige kamers hebben terras en de “Garden Villa Suite” heeft zijn eigen, afgezonderde patio.
Hebben de kamers balkon?
Ja, de meeste kamers hebben balkon, terras of loggia
Zijn er niet-rokers kamers?
Roken is bij wet verboden in alle Italiaanse hotels
Heeft u een Hygiëneconcept?
Op basis van de richtlijnen van de WHO, de Italiaanse hotelorganisaties, de wettelijke regels van de Italiaanse nationale regering en van de Siciliaanse regionale regering hebben wij een uitgebreid Hygiëneconcept ontwikkeld voor uw veilig en ontspannen verblijf.
Is er TV in de kamers? Zijn er internationale kanalen (satteliet TV)?
Er is satteliet TV met internationale kanalen in alle kamers
Hebben de kamers airconditioning? Moet er extra voor betaald worden? Is het seizoensgebonden?
Individueel controleerbare airconditioning in alle kamers zowel om te koelen als te verwarmen, het hele jaar door.
Is er een Internet Point in het hotel?
Ja, Wi-Fi Hot Spot met gratis breedband internet toegang.
Is er een zwembad?
Nee, maar we bieden een strand-service aan: shuttle-service op regelmatige tijden en naar verschillende stranden, strandstoelen en parasols inbegrepen, mei tot Oktober, variërend van 12,50 Euro tot 40,00 Euro per persoon per dag
Is er parking of garage beschikbaar?
Parkeren: laad- en loszone (gele lijnen) voor het hotel (geen aansprakelijkheid), garage met valet service boekbaar voor 22,00 euro per dag. Minibusjes en SUV´s benodigen 2 plaatsen. Onze garage is niet toegankelijk tussen 22.00u and 06.00u.
Waar kunnen we een auto huren?
Op ca. 150 meter afstand van het hotel.
Zijn er kruidenierswinkels of supermarkten in de omgeving?
Ja. Kruidenierswinkels (5 minuten lopen), een klein supermarkt (15 minuten lopen).
Wat is de dichtsbijzijnd gelegen stad of dorp?
Giardini-Naxos en het panoramische dorpje Castelmola.
Wat is de dichtsbijzijnde luchthaven?
Catania Fontanarossa (CTA) op 65 km
Heeft u een shuttle service vanaf de luchthaven?
Transfer-service: Mercedes van/naar Catania luchthaven voor 95,00 Euro/115,00 Euro (nachttarief) voor 1 tot 3 personen, one way. Minibusjes op aanvraag.
Wat is de dichtsbijzijnde busstop?
Busterminal Taormina (15 min. lopen)
Wat is het dichtsbijzijnde treinstation?
Taormina-Giardini. 4 km
Hoe ver is het strand?
3 km
Is het een privé of openbaar strand?
Zowel privé als openbaar.
Is er een fitness ruimte in het hotel (Gym, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Turks bad…)?
Nee, er is een fitness center dichtbij (3 minuten lopen).
Zijn huisdieren welkom?
Het spijt ons, maar huisdieren zijn niet toegelaten.
Heeft het hotel een eigen restaurant?
Nee, maar we hebben goede aanbevelingen. Vraag ernaar bij de receptie.
Waar kunnen we tennis spelen?
Tennisvelden in de nabijgelegen Tennis Club Taormina voor 13,50 Euro/pers./55 minuten/reservering van tennisveld inbegrepen (dit is een speciale prijs voor gasten van Villa Schuler).
De dichtsbijzijnde luchthavens zijn Catania (CTA) 64 kilometer, of Palermo (PMO) 258 kilometer. Vanaf Catania luchthaven is er circa elk uur, tussen 7u en 21.45u., een rechtstreekse verbinding met de Taormina busterminal via de busonderneming “Etna Trasporti” (duur ca. 1u15min). Op aanvraag kunnen we een rechtstreekse taxi-transfer regelen van de luchthaven naar ons hotel (duur ca. 50 min).
alle belangrijke treinverbindingen vanaf Noord-Italië, vertrekkend in Milaan of Rome met bestemming Siracusa of Agrigento, stoppen in het station TAORMINA-GIARDINI. Vanaf hier vindt u taxi´s naar het stadscentrum en direct tot ons hotal ( 4 kilometer).
Auto: wegbeschrijving
(Let op: Navigatiesystemen zijn niet altijd betrouwbaar in de regio Taormina)
kortste en aanbevolen aanvaart:
Komende van de autosnelweg A 18, Catania-Messina, afrit TAORMINA. Nadat u de tol heeft betaald, volgt u de wegwijzer “Taormina” bergopwaarts. Na circa. 2km bereikt u een rotonde waar u op uw rechterkant een grote parkeergarage ,”Lumbi”, ziet. Rijd voorbij de rotonde en rechtdoor tot de tunnel Monte Tauro / Porta Catania. Na de tunneluitgang gaat u bergopwaarts en ongeveer 200 m rond de parkeerplaats “Porta Catania”, bij de rotonde gaat u rechtdoor tot u op een klein plein, Piazza Sant’Antonio, komt. Aan u rechterhand ziet u het kleine kerkje “Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate”. Naast dit kerkje is een bank, en vlak naast de bank een smalle straat bergafwaarts (witte hotel- wegwijzers aan het begin van deze straat). Neem deze smalle straat rechts bergafwaarts. Nadat u de eerste bocht (naar links) bent voorbijgereden, zal de straat zich verbreden. Daar draait u rechtsaf (volg weer de witte hotel-wegwijzers) op de eenrichtingstraat “Via Roma”. Volg de panoramische Via Roma rechtdoor tot u na ca. 500 meter Hotel Villa Schuler op u linkerkant ziet. Bij de hotel ingang is onze privé parking (2 geel gemarkeerde plaatsen).
Indien u een garageplaats heeft geboekt, parkeren wij uw wagen van zodra u heeft ingecheckt.
Routebeschrijving door het dorp:
Komende van de autosnelweg A 18, Catania-Messina, afrit TAORMINA. Nadat u de tol heeft betaald, volgt u de wegwijzer “Taormina” bergopwaarts. Na circa. 2km bereikt u een rotonde waar u op uw rechterkant een grote parkeergarage ,”Lumbi”, ziet. Op de rotonde draait u linksaf, en dan bergopwaarts richting Taormina “Centro”, tot u bij de middeleeuwse stadspoort “Porta Messina” (het begin van de voetgangerzone Corso Umberto) aankomt. Net voor deze poort, rijdt u naar rechts, richting “Castelmola”. Blijf deze weg (Via Circonvallazione) volgen, rijdt voorbij het tankstation Q8, en neem de tweede straat links bergaf (de eerste mag u niet in wegens eenrichtingsverkeer). Bij de ingang van deze straat ziet u witte hotel-wegwijzers. Op het einde aan het kruidenierswinkeltje terug links bergaf tot u op een klein plein, Piazza Sant’Antonio, komt. Recht voor u ziet u het kleine kerkje “Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate”. Links naast dit kerkje is een bank en links naast de bank een smalle straat bergafwaarts (witte hotel- wegwijzers aan het begin van deze straat) Neem deze smalle straat bergafwaarts. Nadat u de eerste bocht (naar links) bent voorbijgereden, zal de straat zich verbreden. Daar draait u rechtsaf (volg de witte hotel-wegwijzers) op de eenrichtingstraat “Via Roma”. Volg de panoramische Via Roma rechtdoor tot u na ca. 500 meter Hotel Villa Schuler op u linkerkant ziet. Bij de hotel ingang is onze privé parking (2 geel gemarkeerde plaatsen).
Indien u een garageplaats heeft geboekt, parkeren wij uw wagen van zodra u heeft ingecheckt.
Parkeren in Taormina kan een probleem zijn. Een beperkt aantal parkeerplaatsen in de open lucht (witte strepen) is gereserveerd voor bewoners.
Weinig hotels hebben garages. Sommige hotels hebben een beperkt aantal parkeerplaatsen in de open lucht op openbaar terrein (gele strepen) waarvoor ze een lokale belasting betalen en waar hun gasten gratis gebruik van kunnen maken voor alleen in- en uitladen (verkeersregels).
Twee speciale parkeerplaatsen voor hotelgasten (gele strepen) uitsluitend voor laden en lossen voor onze ingang.
Het hotel is niet aansprakelijk voor deze twee parkeerplaatsen op openbaar gehuurd terrein.
Gasten kunnen een parkeerplaats reserveren in onze hotelgarage, geopend van 06.00 tot 22.00 uur met valet parking service voor Euro 22,00 per dag*.
Voor busjes, jeeps en SUV’s moeten 2 plaatsen worden gereserveerd.* Reserveringen voor de garage kunnen tot een dag van tevoren kosteloos worden geannuleerd.
Andere parkeeralternatieven zijn:
erkende garage en autoverhuur op 200 meter van ons hotel tegen betaling van Euro 20,00 per dag (tarief 2023).
Openingstijden: 07:00 tot ongeveer 20:00 uur.
Voor 2024 verhoogt Garage California zijn tarieven als volgt: 20,00 euro voor een kleine auto, middelgrote auto’s 25,00 euro per dag. Als je via hen een auto huurt, is parkeren daar gratis.
Er zijn ook 2 gemeentelijke parkeergarages met meerdere verdiepingen en 24 uur per dag aan de rand van de stad:
Net voor de ingang van de stad, noordzijde. Routebeschrijving vanaf de snelweg A18 Catania-Messina. Neem de afslag Taormina en rijd 2 km bergopwaarts.
Parkeren kost 20,00 Euro per dag (plus 3 Euro toeslag in het hoogseizoen en op feestdagen)**.
De prijs is inclusief* de pendeldienst “Linea Porta Messina” (oranje bussen) van de parkeerplaats naar de stadsingang “Porta Messina” stadspoort en vice versa.
Net voor de ingang van de stad, zuidzijde Bereikbaar vanuit 2 richtingen:
Als je van de snelweg A18 (Catania-Messina) komt, neem je de afslag “Taormina” en rijd je 2 km bergopwaarts om de parkeerplaats “Lumbi” te bereiken en vanaf daar de tunnel te nemen die de twee parkeergarages met meerdere verdiepingen met elkaar verbindt. –
Als je vanuit Giardini-Naxos komt, volg dan de borden naar het ziekenhuis (Ospedale) en rijd vervolgens 1,6 km/1 mijl bergopwaarts over een smalle kronkelige weg.
Parkeren kost 25,00 Euro per dag (plus 3 Euro toeslag in het hoogseizoen en op feestdagen)**.
*) Onze eigen Hotel Villa Schuler garagetarieven zijn gegarandeerd voor 2023 en 2024. Houd er rekening mee dat we niet alle andere hier vermelde tarieven en diensten kunnen garanderen die worden beheerd door overheidsinstanties of andere bedrijven/exploitanten.
**) Hoogseizoen (voor de openbare parkeerplaatsen): 15 juni tot 15 september
De Italiaanse feestdagen zijn: 1 en 6 januari, paaszondag en paasmaandag, 25 april, 1 mei, 2 juni, 8, 25 en 26 december.
Laatste update: 2 augustus 2023
Breakfast – to your taste
At the Villa Schuler you have the choice: you can select different breakfast options and book them along with your room. We offer a high-quality breakfast and our ambition is to constantly improve our service, to propose to our guests both a wide selection of Sicilian specialties as well as to meet the expectations of our international clients.
Continentaal ontbijt
- Keuze uit verschillende soorten brood (rolletjes, brood, toast of croissant) geserveerd met boter, confituur, marmelade, honing of chocoladecrème
- 1 warme drank (thee, koffie of chocolade)
- 1 vruchten- of groentesap (sinaasappel, bloedsinaasappel, grapefruit, ananas, appel, wortel, tomaat of multivitamine)
Dit type ontbijt wordt geserveerd op het ruime Palm Terras met zeezicht, in de Ontbijtzaal, in de Palm Terras Orangerie, of in de kamer.
Volwassenen 12 Euro (een per gast/dag)
Kinderen van 2-11 jaar 6 Euro (een per gast/dag)
Ontbijt “Vruchten en Granen”
- Verse fruitsalade (een mix volgens het seizoen)
- Keuze uit ontbijtgranen (muesli, cornflakes of porridge) geserveerd met verse melk en/of Siciliaanse buffel yoghurt
- 1 warme drank (thee, koffie of chocolade)
- 1 fruit- of groentensap (sinaasappel, bloedsinaasappel, grapefruit, ananas, appel, wortel, tomaat of multivitamine)
Dit type ontbijt wordt geserveerd op het ruime Palm Terras met zeezicht, in de Ontbijtzaal, in de Palm Terras Orangerie, of in de kamer.
Volwassenen 12 Euro (een per gast/dag)
Kinderen van 2-11 jaar 6 Euro (een per gast/dag)
Compleet ontbijt geserveerd aan de tafel
Dit type ontbijt wordt geserveerd op het ruime Palm Terras met zeezicht, in de Ontbijtzaal of in de Palm Terras Orangerie.
Volwassenen 20 Euro (een per gast/dag)
Kinderen van 2-11 jaar 10 Euro (een per gast/dag)
Een groot selectie van vers bereide gerechten:
- Warme dranken (thee, koffie, chocolade)
- Keuze uit vers geperste vruchten- of groentesappen (sinaasappel, bloedsinaasappel of wortels)
- Meer fruit- of groentesappen (grapefruit, ananas, appel, perzik, peer, abrikoos, tomaat, multivitamine)
- Granen naar keuze (muesli, cornflakes, porridge)
- Keuze uit verschillende soorten yoghurt (Siciliaanse buffel yoghurt, yoghurt naturel of met laag vetgehalte, aardbei, kers, abrikoos, wilde bessen)
- Keuze uit diverse broodsoorten (broodjes, brood, toast, croissant) geserveerd met boter, jam, marmelade, honing of chocoladecrème
- Eieren (gekookt, gebakken, roerei, crêpe, omelet)
- Keuze van kazen (provoletta dolce, pecorino primo sale, Siciliaanse buffelmozzarella, Siciliaanse ricotta, edam, philadelphia)
- Keuze uit vleeswaren ( artisanale ham, gerookte ham, salami Sant’Angelo di Brolo)
- Keuze van vruchten van het seizoen
- Pachino tomaten
- Siciliaanse Granita (huisgemaakte sorbet van koffie of van verse seizoensvruchten)
The attached breakfast-menu offers a large choice of quality products of market-leading companies allowing to choose freely between varieties of always-available alternatives. We gave priority to including the largest possible choice of natural foods, local products, regional specialities and fresh food without preservatives. Some organically grown products as well. Our service guarantees reliable standards, constant availability, freshness and hygiene and a pleasant atmosphere.
Breakfast is served from 07.30 to 10.00 a.m.
Clients wishing to have breakfast served earlier than 7.30 a.m. can reserve it on the previous evening choosing from the same menu and for whichever time.
Breakfast Menue
Espresso – American coffee – decaffeinated coffee
Cappuccino 7 – coffee with milk 7 – chocolate 7 – fresh milk*7
soy milk 7 – almond milk*8
black tea (English Breakfast Tea) – Earl Grey – green tea – red fruits camomile (organic) – peppermint (organic)
homemade green ice tea with lemon (served in summertime)
Granita* home-made Sicilian sorbet (served in summertime)
coffee Granita – fresh fruits of the season Granita (on request with whipped cream 7 and/or brioche 1,3,7)
Bread & Co.
rolls*: wholemeal 1,6,11 – sesame 1,6,11 – soya 1,6,11 – ciabattine 1 croissants 1,7 – rusk (classic 1,6,7 or wohle organic 1,6)
rye bread 1,6,11 toast 1 – home-made cakes*1,3,7,8 – butter 7 different jams and marmalade – diet jams – honey – Nutella 6,7,8
Fruit and Vegetable Juices
orange – blood orange – grapefruit – pineapple – apple
multivitamin – freshly squeezed orange juice* (seasonal from March to May)
tomato (bio) – freshly made carrot juice*
Swiss muesli (organic)1,6,8 – crispy muesli 1,6,7,8,11
muesli porridge 1,6,7,8 – cornflakes (organic)
plain buffalo yoghurt*7 – plain 7 – plain low fat 7
strawberry 7 – cherry 7 – apricot – wild berries
boiled 3 – fried 3,7 – scrambled 3,7 – crêpe 1,3,7 – omelet 3,7
provoletta dolce (mild cow’s cheese)*7 – pecorino primo sale (sheep’s cheese)*7 – buffalo mozzarella*7 – ricotta artigianale (artisan curd cheese)*7 – Edam cheese 7 – Philadelphia 7 – cheese spread 7
Cold Meats
artisan ham* – gammon – salami Napoli – liver pâté 9,10
fresh fruits in season* – tomatoes ‘Datterino di Pachino’*
Fruit Compote
apple – pear
* these products are made in Sicily
On request we also serve gluten free products
For the list of allergens kindly ask our breakfast service staff
1 = Cereals containing gluten, namely wheat, rye, barley, oats or their hybridised strains, and products thereof
2 = Crustaceans and products thereof
3 = Eggs and products thereof
4 = Fish and products thereof
5 = Peanuts and products thereof
6 = Soybeans and products thereof
7 = Milk and products thereof (including lactose)
8 = Nuts, namely almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia or Queensland nuts, and products thereof
9 = Celery and products thereof
10 = Mustard and products thereof
11 = Sesame seeds and products thereof
12 = Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg
13 = Lupin and products thereof
14 = Molluscs and products thereof (for example clams, mussels, whelks, oysters, snails and squid)
Reservaties kunnen het beste gemaakt worden door ons online reserveringssisteem.
U kunt ons oog via e-mail een aanvraag sturen met daarin de gewenste periode en aantal kamers: reservations@hotelvillaschuler.com
Wij beantwoorden uw aanvraag binnen de 12 uur met een lijst van beschikbare kamers en tevens extra informatie over het hotel en Taormina.
1 RAI 1
2 RAI 2
3 RAI 3
4 RAI News 24
5 RAI 5
6 RAI Movie
7 LA 7
8 Canale 5
9 Italia 1
10 Rete 4
12 CNN
15 i24 NEWS
17 DW
18 ARD
19 ZDF
20 WDR Köln
21 arte
22 3sat
23 Kika
24 RTL
25 Sat 1
26 Pro7
27 n-tv
28 TV 5
29 France 24
30 arte France
31 TVE
32 Canal 24
33 TVRus 1
34 HRT Intern.
36 RTP
37 NHK World
38 CCTV 4
from #39 onwards various additional TV channels in italian, english and german language
more ITALIAN channels:
39 Antenna Sicilia
40 Antenna Sicilia HD
41 RAI Premium
42 RAI 4
43 RAI Storia
44 RAI sport
………e tanti altri fino a
74 Radio Freccia musica
more TV Channels in ENGLISH
75 BBC world HD
76 RT english
77 RT Doc english
78 TRT world english
weitere deutschsprachige TV Kanäle
79 Tagesschau 24
80 One
81 Phoenix
82 WDR Aachen
83 SWR Fernsehen
84 hr Fernsehen
85 Welt
86 Kabel 1
87 Pro7 MAX
88 Sat1 Gold
89 RTL 2
90 RTL plus
91 Super RTL
92 Radio Rai 1
93 Rai 2
94 Rai 2 indie
95 Rai 3
96 Rai 3 classic
97 Rai Sport
98 Rai Kids
99 Rai Live
100 Rai Tutta Italia
101 Rai Techetè
102 Rai Isoradio
103 Rai Parlamento
104 Radio Maria
105 Radio Freccia
106 Radio Dejay
107 Radio m2o
108 RTL 102.5
109 RTL 102.5 DOC
110 Radio Capital
Servizio bar 24 ore – 24 Stunden Service – 24 h bar service
alle prijzen in EURO
Caffè espresso 2,00
Caffè americano (tazza – cup – Tasse – la tasse – kopje) 15 cl 3,00
Caffè americano (bricco – pot – Kännchen – petit pot – kannetje) 50 cl 5,00
Caffè decaffeinato – decaffeinated – koffeinfrei – décaféiné 15 cl 3,00
Latte fresco – fresh milk – frische Milch – lait frais – verse melk 15 cl 2,00
Latte macchiato 20 cl 4,00
Cappuccino (tazza – cup – Tasse – la tasse – kopje) 15 cl 4,00
Caffelatte – coffee with milk – Milchkaffee – café au lait – koffie met melk 15 cl 4,00
Caffelatte (bricco – pot – Kännchen – petit pot – kannetje) 35 cl 6,00
Cioccolata – cocoab – Kakao – chocolat – chocolademelk 15 cl 4,00
Cioccolata (bricco – pot – Kännchen – petit pot – kannetje) 35 cl 4,00
Thè – Tee – tea – thé (bricco – pot – Kännchen – petit pot – kannetje) 45 cl 5,00
Thè nero – ai frutti rossi – camomilla (bio) – alla menta (bio)
Engl. Breakfast Tea – red fruits – camomile (organic) – peppermint (organic)
Schwarzer Tee – Waldfrüchte – Kamille (bio) – Minze (bio)
Thé noir – fruits rouges – camomille (bio) – menthe (bio)
Zwarte thee – rode vruchten – tropische vruchten – camomille (bio) – pepermunt (bio)
Thè freddo al limone fatto in casa – home made lemon iced tea – hausgemachter Eistee mit Zitrone
– thé glacé avec citron – koude thee met citroen 4,00
Bibite – alkoholfreie Getränke – soft drinks – sans alcool – frisdranken
alle prijzen in EURO
Granita di caffè – di frutta fresca 4,00
home made sicilian specialty (seasonal): half frozen ice of coffee – of fresh fruits of the season
hausgemachte sizilianische Eisspezialität (nach Saison): Sorbet aus Kaffee – aus frischen Früchten der Saison
spécialité sicilienne maison (selon la saison): un sorbet de café – de fruits frais de la saison
hiusgemaakte Siciliaanse ijsspecialiteit (afhangelijk van het seizoen): halfbevroren koffie – vers fruit
Succhi di frutta – fruit juices – Obstsäfte – jus – vruchtensap (*bio – *organic) 3,00
Arancia – pompelmo* – ananas* – albicocca* – pesca* – mela* – pera*
Orange juice – grape fruit *– pineapple – apricot* – peach* – apple* – pear*
Orangensaft – Pampelmuse* – Ananas – Aprikose* – Pfirsich* – Apfel* – Birne*
Jus d’orange – pampelmousse* – ananas – abricot* – pêche*– pommes* – poire*
Sinaasappelsap – pompelmoes* – ananas – abrikoos* – perzik*– appelsap* peeren*
Spremuta di arance 3,00
Freshly squeezed orange juice (seasonal)
Frisch gepresster Orangensaft (nach Saison)
Jus frais d’oranges (selon la saison)
Versgeperst sinaasappelsap (afhangelijk van het seizoen)
Spremuta di carote 3,00
Fresh carot juice – Frisch gepresster Karottensaft – Jus frais de carots –
Versgeperst wortelsap
Succo di pomodoro (*Bio – *organic) 4,00
tomato juice*–Tomatensaft*–Jus de tomates*
Minerale (naturale e gassata) 1 lit 3,00 ½ lit 2,00
Mineral water (carbonated or non carbonated)
Mineralwasser (mit oder ohne Kohlensäure)
Eau mineral (gaseuse ou naturelle)
Mineraalwater (bruisend of niet-bruisend)
Coca Cola – Coca Cola light – Fanta – Sprite 33 cl 4,00
Schweppes Tonic Water – Schweppes Bitter Lemon 33 cl 4,00
Birra – Bier – beer – bière – bier
alle prijzen in EURO
Messina 33 cl 4,00
Moretti 33 cl 5,00
Aperitivi, digestivi, liquori
Campari, Campari Soda, Martini, Sanbitter, Gin,
Cynar, Sanbitter, Fernet Branca, Averna, Amaretto,
Whiskies, Cognac, Brandy, Rum, Grappa, Sambuca,
Baileys, Marsala, Cointreau, Grand Marnier, Limoncello 6,00
Campari Orange, Gin Tonic, Rum & Cola, Whisky & Cola 9,00
All cocktails 12,00
Non-alcoholic cocktails 9,00
Vini bianchi siciliani – sizilianische Weissweine – sicilian white wines – vins blancs siciliens – Siciliaanse witte wijnen
alle prijzen in EURO
Etna I.G.T.
al bicchiere – by glass – per Glas – au verre 200 ml 6,00
Murgo, Santa Venerina (CT), 12,5%vol 750 ml 24,00
CAELES D.O.C. bio/organic, vegan 2021
Firriato, Baglio Sorìa (TP), Grillo 12,5%vol 750 ml 28,00
Firriato, Castiglione (CT), Carricante 13%vol 750 ml 30,00
Planeta, Menfi (AG), Chardonnay 13,5%vol 750 ml 44,00
Spumante – Prosecco – sparkling wines – mousseux – schuimwijn
Prosecco 1 bicchiere, 1 Glas, 1 glass, 1 vere 200 ml 6,00
Prosecco Mini piccolo sparkling wine – Piccolo 200 ml 8,00
Madaudo, Villafranca Tirrena (ME), 11,5%vol 750 ml 24,00
Murgo, Santa Venerina (CT), Nerello Mascalese 12,5%vol 750 ml 36,00
Vini rossi siciliani – sizilianische Rotweine – sicilian red wines – vins rouges siciliens – Siciliaanse rode wijnen
alle prijzen in EURO
Etna I.G.T.
al bicchiere – by glass – per Glas – au verre 200 ml 6,00
Murgo, Santa Venerina (CT), 13%vol 750 ml 24,00
CAELES I.G.T. bio/organic 2020
Firriato, Baglio Sorìa (TP), Syrah 14%vol 750 ml 28,00
Firriato, Tenuta Dàgala Borromeo (TP), Nero d’Avola 13%vol 750 ml 28,00
Firriato, Castiglione (CT), Nerello Mascalese & Nerello Cappuccio 14%vol 750 ml 30,00
Murgo, Santa Venerina (CT), Pinot Nero 13%vol 750 ml 36,00
SORÌA D.O.C. 2019
Firriato, Baglio Sorìa (TP), Perricone 14%vol 750 ml 36,00
Murgo, Santa Venerina (CT), Cabernet Sauvignon 14%vol 750 ml 38,00
RIBECA I.G.T. 2016
Firriato, Pianoro Cuddìa (TP), Perricone 14,5%vol 750 ml 50,00
Firriato, Baglio Sorìa (TP), Cabernet & Merlot 14,5%vol 750 ml 50,00
Firriato, Baglio Guarini (TP), Nero d’Avola 14,5%vol 750 ml 50,00
Service & VAT included * frais et taxes incluses * Service en Tax inclusief
Con riserva di modifiche – Änderungen vorbehalten – Subject to change – sous réserve de changements – Wijzigingen voorbehouden.
Last update: March 11, 2023
Onze telefoontarieven 24/24:
0,20 Euro per minuut naar alle nummers in Italië, Europa, USA of Canada
0,30 Euro per minuut naar alle nummers in Australië of Nieuw-Zeeland
0,60 Euro per minuut voor intercontinentale gesprekken
ITALIE 2005: Op 10 januari 2005 ging een rookverbod in alle publieke gelegenheden zoals hotels, bars, restaurants, discotheken en kantoren van kracht.
Er worden ook geldstraffen gezet op overtredingen. Wie betrapt wordt op roken in bv. een bar, kan tot 275 Euro boete krijgen. De eigenaar kan, voor het toelaten van roken in zijn zaak, zelfs tot 2000 Euro beboet worden Roken mag in Italië enkel nog in openlucht of in privéwoningen. In restaurants mag men enkel roken indien er speciaal daarvoor voorziene rookruimtes aanwezig zijn. Ze moeten van het restaurantgedeelte afgesloten zijn en over een speciaal verluchtingsysteem beschikken. Slechts 5% van alle restaurantuitbaters over heel Italië heeft hierin geïnvesteerd.
Hotel Villa Schuler heeft geen zulke rookruimtes, daarom is roken enkel buiten toegelaten: het palmterras, het zonne-dakterras en de tuin.
Het Hotel Villa Schuler, Taormina, Sicilië is een gay vriendelijk hotel dat actief streeft naar het creëren van een omgeving die vriendelijk is voor LGBT-mensen van alle landen.
Christine en Gerhard Schuler managers Gay friendly Hotel Villa Schuler, Taormina, Sicily
Taormina is on what is referred to as the Amalfi coast of Sicily and, although the historic town is lovely it is quite touristy. This of course means that rates are on the high side but, happily, the Villa Schuler is affordable. The villa was converted from a private residence to a hotel by the Schuler family over a century ago and now grandson, Gerhard is at the helm. The pink facade faces out to the Via Roma and has a large raised terrace with palms and potted flowers. A continental or full breakfast is served either here or in the elegant Orangery where you can enjoy views encompassing the coastline and the peak of the Etna volcano. The hotel offers standard bedrooms and junior suites. All the rooms have air conditioning, satellite TVs, safes, free Wi-Fi and terraces or balcony often with a sea view. Behind the building is the hotel’s botanical garden filled with a profusion of jasmine, bougainvillea, and geraniums. Located in the garden is the secluded two bathroom ‘Garden Villa Suite’. The garden opens onto the pedestrian main street of town and it is just a short walk to the cable car that takes you down to the beaches, or you can take the hotel shuttle services. For its impeccable service, ideal location and good value, the Boutique Hotel Villa Schuler is a real winner. (from KAREN BROWN’S ITALY B&B Guide, Exceptional Places to Stay & Itineraries 2017).
Historic, eco-friendly elegance, views over Etna and Naxos Bay, jasmine-scented gardens… and a charming family feel. Stroll into Taormina
Late in the 19th century, Sig. Schuler’s great-grandfather travelled by coach from Germany and built his house high above the Ionian Sea. He built on a grand scale and he chose the site well: the views of the Bay of Naxos and Mount Etna are gorgeous. When he died in 1905, Great Grandmama decided to let out some rooms and the villa has been a hotel ever since. Though restored and brought up to date, it still has an old, elegant charm and a relaxed, peaceful atmosphere. Lavish organic breakfasts are served in the chandelier’d breakfast room or out on the terrace. Bedrooms vary; some have beautifully tiled floors, antique furniture and stone balconies; the more modern top-floor suites sport beamed ceilings and large terraces. All come with organic bed linen, jacuzzi showers heated by solar panels, heating from biomass – it’s all super-eco – and views to gardens or sea. Hidden away behind a stone arch, in subtropical gardens scented with jasmine, is a delightful, very private little apartment; a path from here leads all the way to the town’s pedestrianised Corso Umberto. (ALASTAIR SAWDAY’S SPECIAL PLACES TO STAY. Green Europe, 2017)
“…in 1978 I was in Taormina with a crew of Italy’s national public broadcasting company Rai to film my portrait Il signor Goethe poeta e naturalista in viaggio verso Messina, anche marking the bicentenary of his Sicilian visit. Roaming the town in search of locations for our filming, I was struck by a splendid garden where mysterious plants of brilliant colors seemed to be there to perfectly illustrate the Theory of Colours and the other fantastic theory of the Urpflanze, the archetype of all plants from the Creation onwards, according to the poet who fled from Karlsbad on a false passport, and from Charlotte von Stein who tormented him with her jealousy…
This enchanted garden, so rich in references to Goethe, was/is the garden of the delightful, charming Hotel Villa Schuler, the perfect place to film and write about Goethe, the author of the famous statement about the island: Italien ohne Sizilien macht gar kein Bild in der Seele: hier ist erst der Schlüssel zu allem/To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.”
(Vanni Ronsisvalle, 2016. Vanni Ronsisvalle, writer and journalist, documentary-filmmaker and former editor-in-chief of the cultural program on TG1 of the Rai, interviewed many outstanding personalities on TV, including Ezra Pound, Italo Calvino, Andy Warhol, Jean-Paul Sartre, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Peter Brook, Louis Aragon and Astrid Lindgren. He lives in Rome and in Taormina)
Jim Kerr, frontman of the Simple Minds, loves Sicily and owns a hotel in Taormina, Hotel Villa Angela. Besides his own hotel he recommends only two other ones, one of them is Hotel Villa Schuler:
“The Hotel Villa Schuler in the centre of town has the most incredible botanic gardens. It’s a wonderful building and a great location”.
(Jim Kerr’s Sicily by Jim Kerr, published on simonseeks.com)
Surrounded by shady terraced gardens with views of Mt Etna, the rose-pink Villa Schuler has been run by the same family for over a centruy (longer than any other Taormina hotel) and preserves a homely atmosphere. A lovely breakfast is served on the panoramic terrade. A great choice. (LONELY PLANET – SOUTHERN ITALY, 2012)
The family has managed to hang on the house despite the appalling vicissitudes of two world wars. It has been expropriated in both wars. After the first, local buyers, so pleased that Signor Schuler had returned to buy the house back, withdrew their own bids. After the second, the house was returned to the family, but in a grim condition. So the rebuilding has been painstaking and devoted. What has been recreated is a wonderfully handsome, up-to-date hotel with the charm and elegance of its past. It is cool, quiet, impeccably run, with tiled floors, antique furniture and stone balconies on one level and more modern rooms with large terraces at the top. In fact, they are as modern as can be, with WIFI, jacuzzis, and most of the gadgets you could possibly need. In spite of the part-modernisation, Villa Schuler can claim to be one of the greenest hotels in Italy. Gerhard seems to have thought of everything, so the following may seem like litany of ecological achievement. But it is worth spelling out, even if briefly: They have used traditional building methods and natural materials. The ventilation ‘system’ cunningly uses the up-drafts from the sea. Toxic materials, blithely accepted by most, have been rigorously excluded – even electromagnetic ‘smog’. Waste, of course, is seperated and recycled to an impressive degree. The sun heats the water, local farmers grow much of the food, natural fertilisers nourish the garden, ecological cleaners are aplied to the walls and floors, clever devices will alarm and protect you in case of fire, fossil-fuels are treated with respect and water conserved. Materials are natural (cotton towels, of course) disposables are reduced to a minimum, and all discarded furniture and equipment is donated to charity. The standards are set at the highest level and the hotel is ISO 14001 certified,(…) It is rare in the world of hotels to find a family so devoted to the familiy tradition. That, alone, is a seductive feature for those looking for Slow. But the long lazy afternoons in their garden (…), the views over the sea and to Etna, the deep commitment to running a hotel with the lightest ecolocigal touch – such things are enough to slow a person down. (ALASTAIR SAWDAY’S GO SLOW ITALY. Special places to stay, slow travel and slow food, 2009)
Filled with the fragrance of bougainvillea and jasmine, this hotel offers style and comfort at a good price. Family-owned and -run, it sits high above the Ionian Sea, with views of Mount Etna and the Bay of Naxos. It’s only a 2-minute stroll from Corso Umberto I and about a 15-minute walk from the cable car to the beach below. Guest rooms are comfortably furnished, with bathrooms with tub/shower combinations; many have a small balcony or terrace. Breakfast can be served in your room or taken on a lovely terrace with a panoramic sea view. Service is impeccable. The most luxurious way to stay here is to book the Garden Villa Suite with its own private access…” (FROMMER’S SICILY 2007).
With scintillating bay views from the tranquil, palm-shaded terrace, and an extensive garden at the back, this makes a luxurious oasis at quite reasonable prices. (THE ROUGH GUIDE TO SICILY, 6th edition, 2005).
Converted into a hotel in 1905, this old house in the historical centre is surrounded by a Mediterranean garten full of tropical flowers and plants. The hotel retains some of its late 19C atmosphere and has old-fashioned, comfortable rooms. (The Green Guide, Sicily, Michelin travel Publications 2004)
How to get information on strikes throughout Italy: on this page Hotel Villa Schuler lists strikes as they pertain Sicily as well as some of the national transportation strikes. We try to inform our clients about upcoming strikes as soon as possible. To be sure, just check also the web sites listed next.
If you need information on strikes in any parts of Italy, the best resource is the “Commissione di Garanzia”. This is the strike authority in Italy.
Its web site is very informative: www.commissionegaranziasciopero.it
The site is in Italian, but with some elementary Italian – or even without – you should be able to identify strikes in the area of your interest. The best is, after having opened the main site, to just click on “elenco scioperi” which means “list of strikes”. You will find a list of all strikes alphabetically arranged by sector and you can scroll down to the ones that interest you, such as transportation strikes: – Taxi – Trasporto Aereo (airlines) – Trasporto Ferroviario (train and railroad strikes) – Trasporto Marittimo (ferries) – Trasporto Pubblico Locale (local public transportation) To the left of the sector’s name you will find “data sciopero”, which means “date of strike”. This indicates the previewed date of the strike.
To controll the actual status of a planned strike please carry on reading down below, where you will find “stato dello sciopero”: “revocato” means “cancelled”, “differito” means “postponed to” The box “interventi della commissione” lists actions taken by the “Commissione della Garanzia”. If the Commissione has intervened, this will most likely mean that the strike violates regulations and will therfore probably be revoked or at least postponed. You might also want to check on Generale (general strike). These are rare but affect all sectors. You will find the button on the main site. Another useful link is the web site of the Italian Ministry of Transportation: http://www.infrastrutturetrasporti.it/page/standard/site.php?p=scioperi&PHPSESSID
You can check as well the following web site, which provides a service in English: www.summerinitaly.com/planning/strike.asp
If you have any doubts or questions please don’t hesitate to e-mail us to: schuler@tao.it
Last updated: January 15, 2017 Italian Government Strike Authority
We are ISO 14001 certified, yearly since 2008
Our philosophy and our product are based on environmentally orientated hotel management.
The recent refurbishing of the Hotel Villa Schuler has been realized following the criteria of Building Biology:
– Using traditional building methods and choosing appropriate natural, long-lasting materials guaranteeing perfect transpiration of both the outside walls and the interior structures. The main walls are all built with natural stones thick up to two feet allowing perfect and natural heat and noise insulation. A non-roughcast layer-sample of the old walls is visible in our dining room.
– Utilizing and taking advantage of natural ventilation: the hotel is positioned high above the sea and from the valley underneath a constant airflow allows us in realizing perfect summer ventilation from the lower to the higher floors of the building guaranteeing healthy indoor air quality.
– Using transpiring watercolors, removing and avoiding all those building materials that have shown to be dangerous due to their toxic components as hazardous organic volatile compounds, plastic furniture, and synthetic materials, splinter -woods, lead, and asbestos.
– Taking care to reduce electromagnetic smog to a minimum. All major fuses-boards have been replaced and repositioned outdoors into a centralized, screened back-office. All electric wires of the entire building and the guest-rooms have been replaced and rationalized, all net circuits are screened.
The environmentally orientated hotel management includes waste-separation for recycling purposes, containers for flat batteries, energy-saving appliances, low-energy light bulbs, individually controlled air conditioning regulated by contact breakers of the double-glazed windows and balcony doors, solar energy for hot water production, reducing to a minimum the use of disposable crockery or non-returnable bottles, of canned drinks and portion packs, practicing flexible changes of bathroom towels, using ecological detergents and polishers, avoiding sealing outdoor grounds and using exclusively natural fertilizers in the gardens.
At breakfast, we gave priority to including the largest possible choice of natural foods, local products, regional specialties, and fresh food without preservatives. Some organically grown products as well.
The same importance is given to or the client’s safety.
The drinkable water is filtered, decanted, and naturally decalcified through deionization processing. All water pipes have been recently replaced with the latest non-toxic types. All electric installations are technologically advanced and corresponding to the latest security norms. All single circuits are protected by life-saving devices. Alarm calling devices in each bathroom. Fire danger is reduced to a very minimum thanks to the virtual non-existence of dangerous materials like plastics and synthetics, carpets, and tapestries. Curtains and mattresses are fire-resistant. A total of 80 smoke detectors not only in the 26 guest rooms. The building is subdivided into fireproofed compartments and specialized technicians constantly carry through the security checks to devices and machines. In winter 2004-2005, we replaced all diesel heaters with the last generation of cleaner gas-heaters with heat recovery systems integrating it to the existing solar heaters. The results were astonishingly positive, both for the economic advantages as well as far as the much lower emissions are concerned.
Since 2007 we chose to submit our Hotel Villa Schuler to ISO 14001 because it is the best-known, strictest, most reliable, and internationally accepted specification for an environmental management system (EMS). It specifies requirements for establishing an environmental policy, determining environmental aspects and impacts of products/activities/services, planning environmental objectives and measurable targets, implementation and operation of programs to meet objectives and targets, checking and corrective action, and management review.
It helps our hotel management to minimize how our operations negatively affect the environment (cause adverse changes to air, water, or land), comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements, so our hotel will continually improve on the above criteria.
ISO 14001 is similar to ISO 9000 quality management in that both pertain to the process (the comprehensive outcome of how a product is produced) rather than to the product itself. The overall idea is to establish an organized approach to systematically reduce the impact of the environmental aspects which our hotel can control.
Hotel Villa Schuler Environmental Terms Definitions & Environmental Policy
- Allergies: an approach to take care of people with chemical sensitivities and allergies to airborne particles that also reside in carpets, drapes, and bedding. We do not use carpets and both our bedside carpets and also our curtains are made our of cotton and are washed frequently, very frequently. The issue of allowing pets is of concern here too, so we decided: no pets are allowed in our hotel
- Alternative Energy: we use renewable energy sources, such as solar systems. It excludes fossil fuels.
- Bulk Soap and Amenities: soap, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion provided from a bulk dispenser rather than in individual packages. This approach saves time and money for us and for the natural resources and landfill contributions by cutting down on the packaging.
- Compostable Disposables: sometimes the use of disposable service items can’t be avoided. In those cases, we want to give credit to disposable items, like paper napkins and corn-based plastic, that are biodegradable.
- Composting: in our garden, we practice the biological decomposition of solid organic materials by bacteria, fungi, and other organisms into a soil-like product that is used to enrich our bio-garden soil. This enrichment not only nourishes the soil but also helps increase moisture retention and thus decrease the need for additional watering.
- Cotton Towels and Linens: cotton products don’t add VOCs to the air, thus helping air quality in guestrooms where they are used. Towels and linens that are a blend of cotton and synthetic fabrics aren’t sustainable because of their reliance on petrochemicals. Organic cotton or natural linen is even better because of their non-use of petrochemicals.
- Donating to Charity: one often overlooked aspect of recycling is what to do with sheets, towels, table linens, furniture, carpeting, window coverings, appliances, bedspreads, etc that aren’t useable or useful to the property any longer. Selling or donating them to others is a great way to have the goods reused and keep the items out of the landfill.
- Durable Service Items: dishes, cups, glasses, mugs, tableware, and serving pieces that are long-lasting, not disposable.
- Eco-friendly Food Served: we have no restaurant. At our breakfast, we do offer mostly Sicilian food served “a la carte” that has been grown in a manner sensitive to its natural habitat for preserving wildlife and other plants, organically grown, raised and certified, or local and thus freshly “harvested”.
- Inform Guests About “Green”: teaching our clients looking at our website or staying here about the green actions we take and why those actions are important, as well as encouraging others to take their own green actions.
- Educating our Staff to “Green Philosophy”: constantly teaching people working at our property about the green actions the property takes, why those actions are important, why the staff needs to support the program, as well as encouraging staff to make their own green actions. This is a very important part of the ISO 14001 procedures we are submitting at the moment.
- Energy Conservation: reducing the amount of energy used, for example, through the use of energy-efficient lighting and appliances, turning off lights and appliances when not in use, and using insulation and weather stripping. This may also be referred to as energy efficiency. It is possible to dramatically reduce energy consumption for powering our homes and buildings (and cars) without major sacrifices. This lessens our dependency on non-renewable resources and reduce the costs connected with excessive energy use.
- Environmental Cleaning: approaching housekeeping and laundry from the perspective of not using harsh or harmful-to-people chemicals or cleaning styles. That includes not using perfumed or scented laundry supplies, carpet cleaners, cleaning supplies, or air fresheners.
- Fresh Air: all our guestrooms have either windows that open or are part of a fresh-air exchange system within the hotel. Fresh air is healthier than the musty, stale air of closed-up rooms.
- Hotel Recycle Bins: special containers are placed around the property so guests can put their recyclable items there, rather than in the trash. This approach can teach a hotel’s guests about the ease and benefit of recycling and makes it easier for us to sort recyclable items.
- Maintenance for Conservation: our approach to a green program means also replacing old, wasteful fixtures (light bulbs, old toilets that use lots of water in their flushing, old shower heads and faucets that allow more than 2 gallons/minutes through) and appliances (like refrigerator and freezers, ice machines, washing machines and dryers, air conditioners, furnaces/heaters, and computers) as they break or wear out, with new efficient fixtures and appliances (Eurocertifications).
- Newspaper Program: we feel that newspapers shouldn’t be delivered to every guest in the hotel because it is such a waste of paper and resources. Instead, magazines are available in common areas for free, thus saving resources and landfills.
- Non-Smoking Rooms: all our rooms and common areas are non-smoking, so our guestrooms are guaranteed to be safe from this kind of pollution.
- Organic Food Served: we prefer organic food grown without the application of pesticides or fertilizers. Plant nourishment comes from the use of compost. Pest protection comes from growing healthy plants, companion planting, and natural pest controls like beneficial insects.
- Participate in Green Programs: our hotel is involved in an ISO 14.001 certification program and also in the TUI Environmental Champion Award Program.
- Promoting “green” in our PR: this is clearly shown on our official web page, as well as in all other activities we do.
- Recyclable Disposables: we feel that foam products as cups, bowls, plates, and clam-shell boxes, not only consume petrochemicals in their production but also aren’t recyclable, and they fill landfills with materials that will be around for hundreds of years. Some of the same plastic products also don’t degrade in landfills and consume precious non-renewable resources in their manufacture. There are recyclable disposable products that we encourage the use of instead.
- Sheet and Towel Re-Use Program: different hotels have different names for this, but it’s a way of reducing the water and energy consumption involved in washing sheets daily. Sometimes the hotel states they wash sheets at a specific interval unless requested for more frequent changes, and sometimes the hotel lets the guests request a less frequent than daily sheet change. Either way, when housekeeping complies with the “rule” it saves on resources, time, and wear and tear on the sheets.
- Water Conservation: the practice of reducing water usage. Water use reduction methods range from more efficient practices to capturing water for use through water storage or conservation projects. Our more efficient practices include using low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets; washing sheets and towels less frequently (though of course between guests); planting xeric gardens – using native plants that don’t require much additional water beyond what falls from the sky, and gray water recycling systems.
- Xeric Gardens: Xeriscape is a coined word derived from the Greek ‘Xeros’, meaning dry. It is used to describe landscaping with water conservation as a major objective. It often is also accomplished by using plants native to the region. Our xeric garden of 1.500 square meters is an attractive, sustainable landscape that conserves water and is based on sound horticultural practices.
Coronavirus Safety Protocol: https://www.hotelvillaschuler.com/events/our-hygiene-concept/
Last but not least: we know that we will never stop learning, so we will always try to improve, eco-innovating hotellerie.
Christine and Gerhard Schuler
owner and manager